Saturday, September 24, 2011

Royal Grant of Award of Knighthood to The Honorable Datuk Sir Rodolfo John Ortiz Teope, KRSS and as Royal Minister for Youth Affairs:

Royal communiqué: Royal Grant of Award of Knighthood to The Honorable Datuk Sir Rodolfo John Ortiz Teope, KRSS and as Royal Minister for Youth Affairs:

22 September 2011

Royal Maimbung, Sulu

A Royal communiqué from His Royal Highness Prince Omar Kiram Dux de Legazpi Duque de Vivar-Maniquiz, Grand Prince & Prince Marshal & Grand Master of the Royal Orders.

To All and Singular: To all whom this Royal communiqué shall come, greetings!

“Be it hereby duly known with the most gracious Royal assent and approbation, and after due deliberation by the Royal Council which unanimously agreed and recommended to His Majesty Sultan Muhammad Fuad Abdulla Kiram the First, The Sultan of Sulu & The Sultan of Sabah, Head of Islam & Head of Sultanate, The 35th Reigning Sultan – for the select personage to be granted the illustrious and honorable award, rank and title as “Datuk/ Knight” and is entitled to be called “The Honorable” and he can use the letters “KRSS” (Datuk/ Knight of the Royal Order of Sulu & Sabah) after his name as post nominals announced hereto.”

Citation reads:

For exemplary achievements in bringing closer understanding between Muslims and Christians and for his outstanding services rendered to the Royal Crown of Sulu & Sabah for his program the Sabah recovery advocacy by Philippine youth as the grantee of honors and distinction whose name appears below shall become Datuk/ Knight of the Royal Order of Sulu & Sabah with immediate effect as from today the 22nd day of September in the year 2011:

The Honorable Datuk Sir Rodolfo John Ortiz Teope, KRSS (Quezon City, Philippines)

Furthermore, The Honorable Datuk Sir Rodolfo John Ortiz Teope, KRSS, is also hereby appointed as the “Royal Minister for Youth Affairs” of The Royal Hashemite Sultanate of Sulu & Sabah for a period of five (5) years from the date hereof, unless otherwise revoked and shall continue after the expiry date by mutual consent between the Royal Crown of Sulu & Sabah and the aforesaid Royal Minister for Youth Affairs who shall act and execute all edicts of His Majesty Sultan Muhammad Fuad Abdulla Kiram the First through the Grand Prince and Prince Marshal.

His personal Knightly Arms shall be designed and marshaled by the Royal College of Arms and to be granted by His Majesty Sultan Muhammad Fuad Abdulla Kiram the First, with his name inscribed on the “motto scroll” as a mark of favor and recognition of his achievements for his exclusive use in any of his honorable pursuit and endeavor.

His Majesty Sultan Muhammad Fuad Abdulla Kiram the First thereafter ordered and issued a Royal Edict to be signed and sealed today at Royal Maimbung, Sulu this 22nd day of September in the year 2011.

This Royal Edict appears as a matter of public records and to be made known accordingly and we congratulate the well-deserving Royal grantee.

Note: This Royal grant as Knight of The Royal Order of Sulu & Sabah appearing hereto is free and without any fee or payment from the grantee, as this Royal award is based on achievements and contributions to society and not the ability to pay for the recognition. We have many Royal Grantees globally and no one paid any fee to us to receive the much sought after Royal recognition from the oldest unbroken royalty in the Philippines since the year 1405 to this day to be declared as our Honorable Knight of The Royal Hashemite Sultanate of Sulu & Sabah.

We are:

HRH Prince Omar Kiram Dux de Legazpi Duque de Vivar-Maniquiz
Grand Prince & Prince Marshal & Grand Master of Royal Orders
The Royal Hashemite Sultanate of Sulu & Sabah

Dr. Rodolfo John Ortiz Teope

Dr. Rodolfo John Ortiz Teope

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